WILLIAM GRYMWADE[G15] was born about 1516 in Nedging, Suffolk, England. By his father's will he was given a house and land in nearby Bildeston parish. He is known to have lived in Whatfield parish, just a few miles south of Nedging. WILLIAM[G15] is listed in the 1568 Subsidy of Whatfield. Widow ANNE FREMEN[G15] lived for eleven years after the death of her husband. She had a will, dated Jan. 19, 1580/81 and proved June 8, 1581. She named her brother John in her will, and offered him, "my best horse which he himself shall choose." Eleven years later, brother John repaid the respect by naming ANNE[G15]'s children in his own will. The father of ANNE FREMEN[G15] is identified from the wills of two of his children, ANNE[G15] and John. His first name is unknown. ANNE's[G15] will provided gifts for children of her brother John, and for the children and grandchildren of her unnamed sister who had married a man surnamed Seman. John Fremen, yeoman of Hadleigh, Suffolk, England, had no children named in his will of May 10, 1592. Before WILLIAM[G15] , the ancestry precedes with THOMAS[G16] , THOMAS[G17] and then WILLIAM's[G18] great- great-grandfather, whose first name is not known. THOMAS[G16] was born about 1487 in Nedging, Suffolk, England. He made his will Aug. 10, 1547 and it was proved Nov. 28, 1547. He called himself THOMAS GRYMWADE[G16] of Nedging, "the elder". Ten years after the death of THOMAS[G16] , his widow ALICE[G16], living in Lavenham, Suffolk, England, made her will, dated Sep. 24, 1557 and proved April 21, 1558. She bequeathed items to a number of people who had been named in her husbands will, including Edmund Bannocke of Drinkstone (near Rattlesden). Edmond was related to ALICE[G16]. The first THOMAS GRYMWADE[G17] was born about 1461, probably in Nedging, Suffolk, England. His will was dated June 10, 1528 and proved Nov. 12, 1529. The will mentions his wife ANNE[G17], his son THOMAS[G16], and his brother William. He bequeaths land in the parishes of Nedging, Naughton, Bildeston and Whatfield, all in very close proximity to each other. The civil parish of Nedging-in-Naughton was formed in 1935, which includes both Nedging and Naughton, and lies in the Babergh district of southern Suffolk county, still to this day a primarily rural area. The earliest known GRYMWADE[G18] was born about 1435. His son THOMAS[G17], left a will dated 1528, which mentions a brother, William. William Grymwade left a will dated 1554 which mentions a brother THOMAS[G17]. Both sons, THOMAS[G17] and William, appear in the 1524 Subsidy of Nedging, along with a John Grymwade, who might be the son of William. John would have died before 1554, as he is not mentioned in the 1554 will. |
born | marr | buried | |
William wife Ann Markes |
-c1539 |
10-13-1566 |
06-10-1613 02-19-1618/19 |
Thomas wife Alice Ory |
-c1541 |
Edmund Grymwade wife Rose Lumpkin |
-c1544 |
03-05-1582/83 |
Gregory | -c1547 | 10-17-1575 | |
Elizabeth husband Abraham Snelling |
-c1552 |
12-15-1573 |
born | marr | will dated | will proved | |
Thomas | -c1513 | |||
-c1516 -c1517 |
04-15-1569 01-19-1580/81 |
07-20-1570 06-08-1581 |
Edmond | -c1519 |
born | marr | will dated | will proved | |
-c1487 |
08-10-1547 09-24-1557 |
11-28-1547 |
born | marr | will dated | will proved | |
-c1475 |
12-22-1533 10-06-1510 |
04-12-1534 10-20-1510 |
William wife _____ wife Agnes |
06-28-1554 |
08-29-1557 |
born | marr | will dated | will proved | |
daughter husband _____ Seman |
-c1515 |
-c1517 -c1516 |
01-19-1580/81 04-15-1569 |
06-08-1581 07-20-1570 |
John | -c1519 |