Dreng Ormson ÅSLAND
born:         -1594 Mo, Telemark
died: -Sk1674 Mo, Telemark
father:Orm Drengson ÅSLAND
Ingebjørg Tarjeisdotter


In 1624, DRENG ORMSON and his brother TARJEI had land at Åsland and Skredtveit in Mo, and Åmli in Setesdal (Aust-Agder). DRENG also had land at Haugehåtveit.

DRENG used Åsland until he was about 80 years old. In 1667, when he was 73 years old, a robber by the name of Jon Olavson Vik from Setesdal, stole food and personal belongings from him. DRENG died in 1674.



  born marr died Ættesoga
  wife Gro Talleivsdotter
ÅSLAND 8b    
SKAFSÅ 5a    
page 636 Mo   
page 173 Skafså   

Chronology of Dreng Ormson and Ingebjørg Tarjeisdotter

  -1594 -   Dreng Ormson born. (Mo Bygdebok)     
  -1624 -   Dreng and Tarjei have land at Åsland and Skredtveit in Mo, and Åmli in Setesdal (Aust-Agder), and Haugehåtveit in mo. (Mo Bygdebok)     
  -1667 -   Dreng robbed by Jon Olavson of Setesdal. (Mo Bygdebok)     
  -1674 -   Dreng dies. (Mo Bygdebok)     

Translations from the
Mo Bygdebok

Gnr. 43
Pages 634-636

4.      Orm
N. 1602,1604  

Orm Drengson Åsland 2a arva 2/3 av Åsland etter faren, men bruka truleg det heile. Det var borna hans som kom opp i arvetvistene om Åsland og Midjås. Torbjørg, syster hans, skulle ha 1/3 av garden. Det var borneborna hennar som ville inn på Åsland.

English translation

Orm Drengson Åsland 2a inherited 2/3 of Åsland after his father died, but he probably used it all. It was his children who were found at the inherited residences around Åsland and Midjås. Torbjørg, his sister, was supposed to have 1/3 of the farm. It was her grandchildren who would settle near Åsland.

 a.Dreng1594-Sk.1674 Åsland 8
 b.Tarjei  Åsland 7
8.      Dreng
N. 1620-1674  

Dreng Ormson Åsland 4a (1594-Sk.1674) åtte i 1624 saman med broren 4 tnK i Åsland, 1 tnK i Skredtveit og 1 mK i Åmli i Setesdal. Sjølv hadde han kjøpt dei 2 mK i Haugehåtveit som Halvor Moghus hadde i 1615.

Tidleg på 1620talet starta prosessane om Åsland. Talleiv Åsmundson Rygnestad i Valle og syskena hans ville ha 1/3 av garden som arv etter farmora Torbjørg Drengsdtr. Dreng og Tarjei baud Rygnestadfolket jamngodt jordegods annan stad og freista gi dei Midtgarden Byrte. Talleiv Rygnestad var ikkje nøgd med det. Midtgarden var ein fjellgard utan dyrkbar jord som hadde vore aker i gamal tid. På Åsland var der udyrka mark og god plass til nydyrking. Garden hadde vore tre huslende i gamal tid, Åsland, Jordet og Bakken. Kjetil Bilstad vitna i 1627 at plassen der husa på garden stod, heitte Myre. Det vart til at Rygnestadfolket fekk arven si og Bakken vart skilt frå som eige bruk.

Dreng Ormson vart sitjande på garden i fred etter denne saka. Han åtte sine 4 tnK og var brukar til han var borti 80 år gamal. I 1667 hadde han gjesting av ein tjuv på garden. Det var Jon Olavson Vik frå Setesdal. Han stal brød, smør, fisk og to striskjorter. Skifte etter Dreng vart halde i 1674. Kona var Ingebjørg Tarjeisdtr. Jordeiga var Åsland og ½ tnK i Mykli.

English translation

In 1624 Dreng Ormson Åsland 4a (1594-Sk.1674) had, together with his brother, 4 tnK in Åsland, 1 tnK in Skredtveit and 1 mK in Åmli in Setesdal. He himself had purchased the 2 mK in Haugehåtveit which Halvor Moghus had in 1615.

Early in the 1620's legal actions started regarding Åsland. Talleiv Åsmundson Rygnestad in Valle and his brother wanted to have 1/3 of the farm as inheritance after their grandmother Torbjørg Drengsdtr died. Dreng and Tarjei offered the Rygnestad folks equivalent land property at another place and tried to give them Midtgarden Byrte. Talleiv Rygnestad was not pleased with that. Midtgarden was a mountain farm without arable land which had been a field in old times. At Åsland there was uncultivated ground and lots of room for new cultivation. The farm had been three huslende [smaller farms] in old times, Åsland, Jordet and Bakken. Kjetil Bilstad testified in 1627 that the place where the farm stood, was called Myre. That was until the Rygnestad folks got the inheritance themselves and Bakken was made separate as its own farm.

Dreng Ormson was living at his farm, in peace, after this lawsuit. He had his own 4 tnK and was the user until he was about 80 years old. In 1667 he had a visit from a robber at the farm. It was Jon Olavson Vik from Setesdal. He stole bread, butter, fish and two shirts. Probate after Dreng died was held in 1674. His wife was Ingebjørg Tarjeisdtr. His land ownership was Åsland and ½ tnK in Mykli.

 a.Olav Åsland 9
 b.Anne  Gm Talleiv Halvorson Skafså 8