Sigurd's Newspaper Clippings
from Minnesota Newspapers

Fergus Falls Ugeblad
August 16, 1900

Ugeblad microfilm - Breitkopf Fraktur font
Sigurd clipping


Christ Hansel fra Wanke, Red Lake County, tidligere fra town of Tumuli, skriver til Ugebladet den 5te ds. , men brevet kom ikke hid før Tirsdag denne uge:
"En Cyclone gik over Red Lake County igaar, og den ødelagde al avling, som var i dens vei. Sigurd Thorstenson hus blev taget og kastet 15 rods, og Mr. Thorstenson blev øjeblikkelig drædt, men hans familie reddede sig i kjælderen. Han efterlader hustru og tre smaa born. Huset blev slaget i smaa stykker, og alt indbo blev totalt ødelagt.
Mr. Thorstenson flyttede fra Tumuli for 4 Maaneder siden og bosatte sig her. Han var en mand i fine bedste var, agtet og godt likt af alle, som han omgikkes med."

English Translation

Christ Hansel from Wanke, Red Lake County, formerly from the town of Tumuli, writes to the Ugeblad on the 5th of this month, but the letter did not arrive until Tuesday this week:
"A Cyclone went over Red Lake County yesterday and destroyed all the crops that were in its path. Sigurd Thorstenson's house was taken and thrown 15 rods, and Mr. Thorstenson was instantly killed, but his family escaped to the basement.
He leaves behind a wife and three small children. The house was smashed to pieces, and all the contents were completely destroyed.
Mr. Thorstenson moved from Tumuli 4 months ago and settled here. He was a man the best there was, respected and well-liked by all with whom he associated."